The insurance company was great, the customer service always helped me when I needed it. Though I'm on satisfied because it was a little pricey. I love my car and everything about it and when I wrecked they did raise it up to where I couldn't afford it and it sucked because I love my car and I just loved it but someone just had to crash into me because they weren't paying attention and my insurance couldn't understand that not everyone is perfect.
And I'm only 20 and so they were like "you are young lets jack up all your insurance for you because you got your ID when you were 18 and not 16 like everyone else" but my parents were like "nah you're okay you can get it at 18 and it will be fine." They never thought about my insurance being more and then I got a coupe because it looked cool as ** and they were like "oh you're in a sports car" and I'm like "no I'm not, what do you mean," only because it's 2 doors and not 4 so yeah that sucks as well. It's a Honda Civic like lol that's not even a sports car
Decent liability coverage. No accidents so no real experience with how they handle things. Low payments. Pick my due date with in reason. Low fee if late. Coverage on 3 vehicles for less than 100 dollars, major brands charged me 100 for one car.
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